Cara Is the Best

If you haven’t heard of Cara yet, you should definitely check it out. It is what I’ve been referring to as new/better Instagram. I’m not fully aware of the backstory, but I downloaded it a few days ago, and I absolutely love it.

Cara reminds me of the way the internet and social media used to be, and in my opinion should be. It’s still a little clunky as it’s only in its beta version right now. However, it is such a more authentic, wholesome, and genuine experience than Instagram.

There are no ads. It’s actually possible to discover new artists and get interaction as a new user, unlike Instagram. Your feed is what you actually want to see, not just a bunch of random garbage.

Not only that, it’s better than Instagram because it allows you to have sections within your page. There’s a “my feed” section that shows what you’ve posted. You can post text, photos, or even share other people’s posts. Then there is the “portfolio” section. You can designate certain posts that will appear here, so people looking at your page can get a clear image of your art and style.

I love it so much already. If you end up making an account, I would be so grateful to have you support my art on there (amethystlambart)!