I Thought It Was Normal

I’m often shocked
by the reaction of others
when I tell them
what goes on
in my head

I read my mom a quote
from a book I just read
one I thought was relatable
something everyone
would understand

I spoke the words
with stifled laughter
but she just seemed upset
I guess other people
don’t think like that

I didn’t mean
to make her worry
my brain always talks that way
I only believe it

“Of course hopes would keep rising, and disappointments would ensue; and, then, I would say to my own heart, “Here is a convincing proof — if you would but have the sense to see it, or the candor to acknowledge it — that he does not care for you. If he only thought half as much about you as you do about him, he would have contrived to meet you many times ere this: you must know that, by consulting your own feelings. Therefore, have done with this nonsense: you have no ground for hope: dismiss, at once, these hurtful thoughts and foolish wishes from your mind and turn to your own duty, and the blank dull life that lies before you. You might have known such happiness was not for you.”