Wasted Youth

A youth wasted
trying to find her worth
in the hungry glances
of immature pervs
unfortunate endeavor
that only served
to reinforce self-hate
insecurities affirmed

She let herself
be objectified
and thrown away
so many times
subconscious self-harm
she sought to find
and replaced love
with the taste of wine

Now the best years
are all used up
her higher self holds
an empty cup
realized too late
that enough is enough
destroyed the person
you once loved

10 thoughts on “Wasted Youth

  1. There is No Doubt in my Intuition Dear Amethyst Lamb That All the

    Darkness in Your Life Blooms The Wild Flower of Creativity You

    Are Now That is Surely Worth More Than Every Body Part Used in Life

    The Soul of Darkness

    The Soul oF LiGHT

    The SouL of You

    in the Dark Abyss

    Reaching Up to LiGHT

    Keep Stretching Keep Stretching

    It’s Practical Magic When a Soul Breaks

    The Dungeon
    Door and Wild
    FLoWeRS Bloom Again…

    What’s Wasted Turns into
    Fertilizer It’s How Life Begins Again…

    Dear Lord You are Only Thirty or So
    i Didn’t Even Get Out of Diapers Until 53 Years Old…

    Very Messy
    Back then Indeed…

    If at age 30 Anyone Would
    Have Even Dreamed of the Places

    i Would Go Reaching 64 There is No
    Way i Would Have Believed them then

    It’s True THere was no one else to Believe yet me

    And That’s
    Enough for Now..:)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t agree that your best years are used up. I’ve felt this same way a shortlist of times since the age of 22, when I first felt it. Now I’m 64 and it’s never been true yet.

    This poem, just the way it’s written, does make a great warning, though, for readers teetering on the edge of self destructive behaviors. 👌

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    1. It’s just a shame knowing you wasted so much time, whether those had the potential to be the best years or not. I certainly have my own reasons for thinking life is going to go steeply downhill soon. While no one else seems to feel this way, I truly believe I will not live to 60 due to the destruction of the planet. Not to mention the last years will be filled with immense political unrest and physical suffering due to economic collapse and lack of access to resources, etc. 🤷‍♀️

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