Wasted Youth

A youth wasted
trying to find her worth
in the hungry glances
of immature pervs
unfortunate endeavor
that only served
to reinforce self-hate
insecurities affirmed

She let herself
be objectified
and thrown away
so many times
subconscious self-harm
she sought to find
and replaced love
with the taste of wine

Now the best years
are all used up
her higher self holds
an empty cup
realized too late
that enough is enough
destroyed the person
you once loved

Tell Me I’m Still Young

God bless the
car salesman with braces
that wanted to make
my acquaintance

God bless the black woman
at the gas station who
asked skeptically for ID
said I didn’t even look 20

God bless the young clerk
that smirked when I asked
for a jazz flavored black & mild
he reminded me of you

Embarrassing to admit how much
all this smoothed my ruffled ego
now I collect small things
like these to get me through