I Have Enough

It's all a distraction
these things I don't have
fly paper fixations that trap

I still have so much
enough to overflow my cup
I can break the illusion of lack

I know all this overthinking
only makes me suffer
it cannot solve these problems

Time to take a deep breath
and tell myself what I know to be true
I can be happy anyway

I have what I need to thrive and succeed
if I allow myself to let that look differently
I'm already right where I need to be

Grateful and kind and gentle and loving
nothing can stop me from spreading
these blessings that I am able to create


A poisonous worm eats away at my heart
excreting the thick slurry of selfishness
that runs through my veins

Sudden flare of fierce emotion
at the disclosure of others' good fortune
leaving me feeling ashamed

The wretched sensation of anger
that suffocates more appropriate emotions
choking off a chance to celebrate

A friend's success could be shared
by relinquishing comparison and competition
fed with heavy spoonfuls of self-doubt

The fear that another's joy might threaten my own
as if there is only so much happiness to go around
and my chances of winning that lottery are now lessened

What a sad state of affairs
to let the luck of a loved one tear at me
instead of fill me up

What kind of person am I
that my first instinct is to be unkind
to someone that is thriving?

The best I can muster is to remain silent
when I should be smiling and adding
my positivity to their blossoming abundance